(Des Moines, Iowa) – The Dream Team will participate in the inaugural Big Bike Give - a new 24-hour fundraising campaign organized by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition to connect bicycle advocates with bicycle missions. The Dream Team is one of over 34 organizations participating in the campaign.
Funds raised during the 24-hour day of giving will directly support annual operating costs for the Dream Team program including the purchase of clothing, cycling equipment, camping equipment, transportation, and more. All donations are tax deductible.
“We are excited to participate in the inaugural Big Bike Give,” says Dream Team Executive Director Brian O’Leary. "This fundraising campaign will help us to secure additional funding for the program and will provide the opportunity to share the Dream Team's mission with a larger audience.”
The official giving campaign will occur on May 24, 2022 from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., however early donations are now being accepted. Those interested in making a financial contribution may do so by visiting the Dream Team's official fundraising profile.
About the Dream Team
The Dream Team is a 100% volunteer run 501(c)3 organization. The program was established in 1997 and uses the power of a bicycle to assist youth in developing a positive approach to life’s challenges. Each year, the program begins in March with indoor training at the Des Moines Wellmark YMCA and continues through the week of RAGBRAI in July. More information about Dream Team and the program can be found at dreamteamdesmoines.org.
About the Big Bike Give
The Big Bike Give is organized by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and connects bicycle advocates with bicycle missions. For 24-hours, all bicycle and bike-accessible trail organizations will be sharing a platform on bigbikegive.org to expand their collective audiences to help the participating organizations connect with new supporters, tell their stories, and secure funding for their missions. More information about the Big Bike Give can be found at bigbikegive.org.