PARENT information

It Couldn't Be Done Without You!
Parents and guardians play a critical role in ensuring the success of each participant. Your support is important in order to ensure youth are attending the meeting sessions, rides, activities and maintaining communication with mentors.
You also play an important role in reinforcing the lessons and activities of the team by ensuring youth stay active and continue the healthy lifestyle techniques they have learned.
Parents and Guardians help reinforce that personal growth and relationship building with mentors, family and friends should be a life long activity.
Policies & Procedures
Each of the links below include detailed information about the Dream Team policies & procedures.
Calendar of Events
The calendar available at the link below will be updated regularly. It includes dates of indoor training, outdoor training, campouts, team-building activities, and of course, RAGBRAI!
Campout Information
As part of the training program, riders will participate in three weekend overnight campouts in addition to the week-long RAGBRAI experience. The links below provide packing information and will be updated with campsite maps as they become available.